My name is Manuela Amélia Vieira de Azevedo Sodré, I'm from Joao Pessoa, Paraiba, but I came to Natal with my mom and my sister when I was with 6 yars old.
I opted for the course Bachelor of Science and Technology for the future to decide which engineering attend, since the time of registration I was in doubt. And during that time I intend to carefully choose my area of expertise. However I have entered the course with two engineering in mind for careers that are Mechatronics or Mechanical Engineering as since I was little i had interest for the area. And I think it'll be a very competent professional, as they fight for what I want and run after my goals. Usually what I want to do is stay with family and friends, whenever I can go to movies, I love traveling,learning new languages, something I already do, since I have the English course and I intend to end Spanish and do other courses of foreign languages. I really enjoy partying with my friends, and I'm very eclectic, I listen to every kind of music the one that I dislike most is reggae. I characterize myself as a charismatic person and friendly and do not want to harm anyone.