quinta-feira, 21 de abril de 2011



     Isaac Newton (1600 - England) had a major contribution to the field of physics and classical mechanics, a result of its recognition of the rules and cycles that govern the universe. Observing the reactions of objects influenced by the strength and movement, developed three laws: Inertia, Law of Motion and Law of Force Pairs These laws consider the behavior of management, mass, acceleration, force and other factors that act on objects both moving as at rest. This knowledge creates a better understanding of what happens around us. Besides contributing to the research of scholars who are able, from these statements, to create useful applications and forecasts necessary.

picture - Newton watching an apple fall.
http://profstellerdepaula.wordpress.com/, withdrawal in 21/04/2011 às 13:54h

Intellectual Capital


    The intellectual capital refers to the resources that are generated by the corporations that use the human intellect. From this knowledge are created goods and business rights (actives) not-material (intangibles), that may be in the form of a name, as brands, patents, and others, and in a not identifiable form, that must be related to quality, reliability, technology, customer loyalty, etc.


    A good example of intangible intellectual capital is the Google brand, that arose in order to build a site of more advanced search, fast and with a better quality of links. Actually the name of the brand moves a greater capital than their physical possessions, because its patents worth millions.

picture - Some ideas can generate a lot of money.